Plasma Based Accelerators for 10 TeV Colliders

Date and Time
Broida 1640
Spencer Gessner, SLAC
Spencer Gessner, SLAC

Speaker: Spencer Gessner, SLAC

Title: Plasma Based Accelerators for 10 TeV Colliders

Abstract: Recent experiments at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory have demonstrated beam-driven plasma acceleration with accelerating gradients in excess of 150 GeV/m. That’s nearly 10,000 times the accelerating gradient produced by radio frequency (RF) cavities in the conventionsl SLAC linear accelerator. Wakefield accelerators are a promising technology for future high-energy colliders and were identified by the 2023 Panel on the Future of Particle Physics (P5) as a path toward 10 TeV parton-center-of-mass (pCM) collisions. The US 10 TeV Wakefield Collider Design Study has been formed in response to P5’s recommendation. In this talk, I’ll discuss R&D challenges for a 10 TeV pCM Wakefield Collider, and highlight opportunities for engagement with High Energy Physics (HEP ) theorists and experimentalists. I will also explain how the 10 TeV Wakefield Collider Design Study fits into the broader future collider strategy, and how research towards a 10 TeV Wakefield Collider benefits near-term Higgs Factories and fixed-target HEP experiments.