
Francisco Acosta

Graduate Student

Trailer 939, Room 1004
I am working on the geometry of computation in artificial and biological neural systems.

Jeffrey Ahlers

Graduate Student Researcher

I work on the Low Temperature Scanning Probe Magnetometry (LTSPM) subgroup within Ania Jayich Lab

James Allen

Professor Emeritus

He co-authored more than 200 publications on transport and terahertz excitations in semiconductor nano-structures, hot-electron dynamics, high temperature superconductivity, magnetism, spin wave logic devices, superionic conductors, metal physics, clathrate inclusion compounds, protein dynamics and complex oxide heterostructures. He holds three patents.

Isha Anantpurkar

Graduate Student

Broida 2209

Trevor Arp

Postdoctoral Researcher

Broida 1015
NanoSQUID Experiments on 2D Materials.

Alexandre Assouline

Postdoctoral Researcher

Broida 1015
I am developing potential traps for quantum particles in atomically thin 2D materials, such as graphene, in order to study their potential in encoding quantum information.

Yifei Bai

Graduate Student

Broida 2509
Quantum simulation with strontium BEC

Leon Balents

KITP Permanent Member

Kohn Hall 2315
I am interested in developing theory to uncover and explain exotic quantum phenomena in the real world.

Ian Banta


Bldg 937, Rm 1001

Anders Barzdukas

Graduate Student Researcher

Broida 5122
I am involved with CMS' search for a Higgs boson decaying into a Z boson and a photon (H → Zγ) and the upgrades to the CSC optical data acquisition motherboards (ODMBs).

Joaquin Becerra Espinoza

Graduate Student

Broida 2209
I work in the area of theoretical cosmology. I am particularly interested in strong gravitational lensing as a probe for sub-galactic dark matter halos.

Shane Bechtel

Graduate Student

Broida 2015L
High Redshift IGM Tomography

Seva Belikov

Desktop Support/System Administrator

Bldg 937, Rm 1003

As a member of Physics Computing Services, provides end-user support and assists in managing workstations, networks and servers.

David Berenstein


Broida 6133
Works mostly on quantum field theories and their equivalence to quantum gravity in higher dimensions (AdS/CFT correspondence).

Tengiz Bibilashvili

Teaching Professor (Senior Lecturer SOE)

Broida 1417

Lars Bildsten

KITP Director

Kohn 1514

Omer Blaes


Broida 2015G
I do theoretical research in the area of high energy astrophysics, with a focus on understanding the physics and observable properties of accretion flows onto compact objects (black holes, neutron stars, and white dwarfs).

Ania Bleszynski Jayich


Broida 4105
We develop quantum technologies based on solid-state spins, photons, and phonons to probe fundamental questions in quantum science and condensed matter.

Eve Bodnia

Graduate Student

Broida 4122
My research is focused on photon-phonon quantum interconnect via Brillouin-based optomechanics with the special task of identifying and investigating novel applications for superfluid optomechanics, inspired by superconducting quantum circuits

Rémi Boros

Graduate Researcher

I image reconstituted protein from blended cow brains to study the emergent properties of active many-body systems!

Dirk Bouwmeester


Broida 4125
Investigates topics related to quantum information science and quantum decoherence using optomechanical systems such as phononic crystal membranes made out of silicon nitride and diamond, and on-chip optical waveguides coupled to superfluid Helium.

Mark Bowick

Visiting Distinguished Professor of Physics and Deputy Director, KITP

Kohn 1510
I am interested in all aspects of symmetry, symmetry-breaking, geometry and topology across fields ranging from quantum field theory to soft and living matter, with a particular focus on topological defects. My recent work is on the statistical mechanics of thermalized 2D-metamaterials, such as graphene, the more general behavior of elastic and fluid membranes and the physics of active nematics.

Timothy Brandt

Associate Professor

Broida 2015F
Discovering, weighing, and understanding exoplanets

Samuel Brantly

Graduate Student

Liam Brennan

Graduate Student

Broida 5207

I do research on Dark Matter with LDMX, hardware for the CMS HGCAL upgrade, and search for exotic processes with CMS.

Robert Brown

Physics Machine Shop Manager
Research and Development Engineer 3

Broida 1719A
To provide services to the entire Physics Department, as well other on Campus Departments. Services can also be provided to off Campus customers.

Christopher Browne

Postdoctoral Scholar

Broida 4417

Soft matter; active matter; rheology

Sean Buechele

Graduate Student

PSB South 1702
Experimental AMO researcher working with trapped Ra and Sr ions for precision measurement, and quantum computing

Alethea Butler-Nalin


Broida 5332
Wirebonding technician for high energy physics group.

Fernando Caballero

Postdoctoral Researcher

Claudio Campagnari


Broida 5125
Experimental High Energy Physics at the Large Hadron Collider

David Caratelli

Assistant Professor

Broida 5119
My research focuses on experimental particle physicists studying neutrinos to understand the fundamental laws of nature and evolution of the universe.

Debbie Ceder

Faculty Assistant

Broida 5014
Provides administrative support to faculty and their associated research groups.

Lingjie Chen

Graduate Student

Broida 4326

Simulating many-body physics with defect centers in diamond.

Yubi Chen

Graduate Student

Engineering II 2503
I am interested in using first-principles techniques to model quantum materials and find suitable qubit platforms.

Zirui Chen

Graduate Student

I am broadly interested in theoretical and computational astrophysics, with an emphasis on galaxy formation and evolution.

Nikolas Claussen

Graduate Student

Broida 6234
I work on the interface of biology and physics, studying morphogenesis - the process by which developing animals obtain their shapes.

Hawkins Clay

Graduate Student Researcher

Broida 2225
MKID development for astrophysical applications

E. Cooper Jr.

Undergraduate Advisor

Broida 3019C
Serves as Undergraduate Advisor, working with students and faculty in all aspects of undergraduate education.

Louisa Cornelis

Graduate Student

Investigating properties of electronic states in quantum materials.

Nathaniel Craig

Associate Professor

Kohn 2307

High Energy Physics, Particle Phenomenology, Cosmology

Kristina Davis

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Broida 2231
Instrumentation Engineer for Astronomy

Eva Deloa

Research Administrator 3

Works with faculty and researchers on contract and grant proposal preparation, and pre- through post- award administration.

Jason Denton

Machinist - Research and Development Engineer

Physical Sciences Building South 1725

20 years CNC machining experience.

Pieter Derksen

Graduate Student Researcher

Trailer 939, Office 1008
Under the Streichan group, I use concepts from physics, computer science, and mathematics to study biological systems.

Viraj Dharod

Graduate Student

JD Dill

Academic and Student Affairs Manager

Broida 3019B
Recruitment, appointment, and advancement (merit and promotion) for faculty appointments (including affiliated, adjunct, and emeriti)

Krista Dogic

Financial Analyst

Assists with general department accounting - posting invoices, processing poster printing, reconciling accounts in GUS, expense transfers and other accounting duties as needed.

Zvonimir Dogic

Faculty Graduate Advisor

Broida 4419
Self-assembly of soft materials, active matter and out of equilibrium physics

Xi Dong

Associate Professor

Broida 6103
Quantum gravity, string theory, quantum field theory, cosmology, and quantum information theory.

Anatoliy Dovbnya

Academic Coordinator

BRDA 3217

Upper-division lab coordinator.

Keegan Downham

Graduate Student Researcher

Broida 5310
My primary research interests involve searches for Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva, Switzerland. This includes searches for new, heavy particles using data from the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector, as well as indirect searches for Dark Matter using the MilliQan detector.

Jeremy Estes

Graduate Student

Broida 2509
I work on the Potassium experiment in Professor David Weld's group, where we poke and prod degenerate quantum gases.

Pathma Eswaran

Graduate Student

I am interested in modeling biological systems - especially how they develop form and functionality from an evolutionary point of view -

Joseph Farah

Graduate Student

Las Cumbres Observatory
Interests: Astrophysics, supernovae, radio astronomy, black holes, dark energy, very long baseline interferometry, theoretical cosmology, strong gravity, Bayesian modeling, magnetohydrodynamics

Jennifer Farrar

Staff Graduate Advisor

Broida 3019F
Jennifer manages over 200 graduate students and assists them with academic progress. She hires Teaching Assistants, processes over 1,100 graduate student applicants and runs graduate student recruitment.

Jemma Fendley

Graduate Student

Broida 6122
Currently working with Boris Shraiman on statistical genetics.

Matthew Fisher


2305 Kohn Hall
My present research interests lie at the border between many-body theory and quantum information theory, especially the non-equilibrium quantum dynamics of open and monitored quantum systems.

Roger Freedman

Associate Teaching Professor Emeritus

Physics and astronomy education. Co-author of four introductory textbooks and a project on teaching physics using the medium of comic books.

Ernest Freund


Broida 6306
I'm interested in creating machine learning tools for physics education.

Robert Geller

Senior Lecturer SOE

Broida Hall 1411
In pursuit of a bacterial cancer therapy.

Steven Giddings


Broida 6105

Quantum gravity, Quantum Field Theory, Black Holes, Quantum Cosmology, Elementary Particles

Diego Gonzalez Hernandez

Graduate Student

Broida 2207
Machine learning applications in cosmology, the intergalactic medium, cosmic reionization, simulation based inference.

David Grabovsky

Graduate Student

Broida 6118
High-energy theoretical physics

Louis Grace

Lecture Demonstration Coordinator

Broida 1630
Provides lecture demonstrations for instructors, maintains the collection of demonstrations, constructs new ones, and maintains the web catalogue of demonstrations. Also assists the instructional laboratories.

Chiara Grieco

Postdoc Scholar

Broida 5105
My work is focused on the High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCal) for the upgrade of the CMS experiment for HL-LHC. UCSB is one of the Module Assembly Centre for the assembling of the silicon module. I will participate in those operation and take care of the test of those modules.

David Gross

KITP Permanent Member

Kohn 1219

High Energy Physics, Quantum Field Theory, String Theory

Dani Guillén

Graduate Student

Paarth Gulati

Graduate Student

Broida 6212
I study coarse grained descriptions of biological and other non-equilibrium (active) systems using a hydrodynamic approach. In particular, I study emergent polar and nematic order in these active systems which is useful to describe various biological functions and phenomena as a physical response.

Jason Guo

Graduate Student

Broida 5310

Interested in di-Higgs decays and optical data acquisition motherboard (ODMB) development at CMS.

Sathya Guruswamy

Senior Lecturer SOE

Broida 3419

Helen Hansma

Associate Adjunct Professor Emeritus

Paul Hansma

Professor Emeritus

Broida 2411
Experimental Neuroscience of Human Brain Organoids. Biofeedback devices for reducing anxiety and chronic pain.

Jacob Hauser

Graduate Student

Trailer 939, Room 1011
Currently working with Matthew Fisher studying non-equilibrium phase transitions in random quantum circuits.

Ludwig Holleis

Graduate Student

Broida 1015
I am currently working with Prof. Young on van-der-Waals heterostructures. I am developing an integrated thermometry method and measure thermodynamic porperties of the quantum Hall effect in graphene.

Daniel Hone

Professor Emeritus
Research Professor

Kohn 2305

Austin Hopkins

Graduate Student

Broida 6212
Physical models of biological tissues

Gary Horowitz


Broida 6239
Classical and quantum gravity, especially properties of spacetime singularities

Andrew Howell

Adjunct Professor
LCOGT Staff Scientist

Broida 1413

Andy Howell

Adjunct Professor
Senior Staff Scientist, Las Cumbres Observatory

Broida 1413
supernovae, kilonovae, cosmology, tidal disruption events, astronomical infrastructure

Weida Hu

Postdoctoral Researcher

Broida 2015L
Cosmic Reionization, high-redshift galaxies, Lyman Alpha emitters, Lyman alpha escaping mechanism.

Jiamu Huang

Graduate Student

Astrophysics, Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN).

Xing Huang

Postdoctoral Scholar

Endcap Timing Detector of the CMS experiment; Front-end electronics for detector readout; Analogue and digital Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs); Radiation-hard electronics.

Gary Hughes

Assistant Researcher

Research includes numerical and data analysis w/applications in astronomy, planetary science, geology & infrared imaging

Dariush Imani

Graduate Student

5118 Broida

Searching for physics beyond the standard model with the milliQan experiment and Long Lived Particle searches.

Joe Incandela


Broida 5105
Incandela is searching for heavy and light dark matter at CERN and SLAC. He is also studying the Higgs boson at CERN.

Vishank Jain-Sharma

Graduate Student

Broida 4517
Physics of embryo development, particularly the attempts to explain reproducible growth from first principles.

Rimika Jaiswal

Graduate Student

I like thinking about problems at the intersection of condensed matter, quantum information, and biophysics.

Ericka James

Academic HR Analyst

Broida 3019G
Postdocs, Researchers, and Project Scientists: Recruitment, appointment and advancement (merit and promotion) and those requiring visas, determining appropriate job classification.

Moonsuk Jang

Graduate Student

Andrew Jayich

Associate Professor

Broida 4123
Precision measurement and quantum information science with atoms and molecules.

Wenjie Ji

Postdoctoral Researcher

Chenhao Jin

Assistant Professor

Broida 4131
Jin's current research interest lies in the interplay between dimensionality, many-body interaction, fluctuations and competing orders.

Clifford Johnson


BRDA 6113

His research focus is in quantum gravity, superstring theory, quantum field theory, and particle physics,

Ish Kaul

Graduate Student

MHD simulations of various multiphase processes occurring in the CGM.

Hiroki Kawai

Graduate Student

My research focuses mainly on studying gauge theories with mathematical tools originally motivated to solve condensed matter systems, suc

Matthew Kilpatrick

Postdoctoral Researcher

Broida 5105
Searching for physics beyond the standard model mainly concentrating in searches for the top squark

Crystal Kim

Graduate Student Researcher

Broida 2225
I am working on the data reduction and operation of the visible-spectrum MKID spectrograph.

Jeonghwa Kim

Grad Student

Broida 5316
I am working on the LZ dark matter experiment, which is designed to detect possible weak interactions of dark matter with liquid xenon.

Sunghoon Kim

Graduate Student

Yonna Kim

Graduate Student

Broida 6216

I am interested in condensed matter physics, quantum dynamics, and quantum information.

Maciej Kolanowski

Postdoctoral Researcher

I am interested in gravity, especially black hole physics.

Itamar Kolvin

Postdoctoral Fellow

Broida 4417
Assembling new materials from biological functional structures to ask fundamental physics questions.

H. Esat Kondakci

Postdoctoral Researcher

Broida 2509
Ultracold atoms, Quantum simulations in crystals, Bose-Einstein condensates

Georgios Koutroulakis

Lecturer SOE

Broida Hall 1409
Physics Education, NMR for Condensed-Matter Physics

Kai Kristiansen

Research and Development Engineer

Broida 5239
Push the boundaries of scientific instrumentations.

Eric Krivulka

Machinist - Research and Development Engineer

Physical Sciences Bldg- South 1725

As a machinist, works with faculty and researchers to design and fabricate apparatus.

Katie Kudla

Graduate Student

Katie received her B.S. in Physics with a minor in Mathematics from Providence College in 2024.

James Kwon

Graduate Student

I leverage Asteroseismology to investigate the tidally induced instability in merging binary neutron stars.

Susanne Kyre

Research and Development Engineer

Responsible for engineering design, fabrication and installation of experiments for the High Energy Physics group.

James Langer

Professor Emeritus

Kohn 1202
Theories of nonequilibrium phenomena in condensed matter physics.

Yu-Tse (Alan) Lee

Graduate Student

Effective field theory

Madeleine Bow Jun Leibovitch

Graduate Student

Broida 2509
Building a novel optical tweezer machine for the manipulation of individual, and degenerate quantum gases of potassium atoms.

Lap Leung

Computer Manager

Broida 5207
Provision computing/networking and related services for High Energy Physics group.

Naixin Liang

Graduate Student

Astrophysical magnetohydrodynamics, cosmic rays, plasma physics

Connor Lindsay

Academic Coordinator

BRDA 3310

Lower-division lab coordinator

Hugh Lippincott

Associate Professor

Broida 5131
I look for dark matter.

Heather Liu

Financial Services Analyst 3

Broida 3409 and Remote

Extramural funding administration, Financial Management Modernization project and Oracle Financial Cloud implementation.

Xiaoyi Liu

Graduate Student

Broida 6014
Gravity and High Energy Theory

Ronald Alexander Lopez

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow

Broida 2227

I am an NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellow interested in astronomical instrumentation and the discovery and characterizat

Matthieu Louis

Associate Professor

3141 Bio II
We combine theory and experimentation to understand how perception and behavioral decisions come about in terms of neural-circuit computation.

Philip Lubin


Broida 2015C
Our group research explores a very wide variety of research in astrophysics from the origin and evolution of our universe to developing photonics based propulsion systems for future exploration to searching for and mitigating threats to humanity from asteroid and comets.

Elizabeth Lucatero

Payroll/Personnel Analyst

Broida 3019E
Payroll matters for all Academic hires, to include Graduate Students, Academic Coordinators, Lecturers, Postdocs and Specialists. Answers benefit questions for these titles. Determines appropriate job classification, resolves payroll issues and prepares payroll projections.

Rita Makogon

Extramural Funds Manager

Broida 3413 and Remote
Oversees extramural funds. Manages ITST Center.

Robinson Mancilla

Graduate Student

Broida 6302

Black holes physics in the context of Gauge/Gravity duality.

M Cristina Marchetti

Director, Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program

Broida 6235
My research group is interested in the emergent behavior of active and living matter.
Don Marolf studies black holes, gravitational aspects of string theory, and issues associated with gravity, entropy and entanglement.

Rob Marquez

Research Administrator 3

Broida 3411 and Remote
Works with faculty and researchers on contract and grant proposal preparation, and pre- through post- award administration.

Crystal Martin


Broida 2015D
Galactic Winds, the Galaxy - Circumgalactic Medium Ecosystem, Galactic Star Formation Histories, and Cosmic Reionization

Sabrena Martin

Storeroom and Materials Manager

Materials Manager of the Physics Purchasing Office and Storeroom.

John Martinis


Broida 4239
Explores the physics of superconducting devices, focusing on achieving very low noise and high sensitivity performance. His primary interest at present is to build a quantum computer based on Josephson junction quantum bits.

Hector Mas Peris

Postdoctoral Researcher

Benjamin Mazin

Vice Chair

Broida 2015H
Building the most powerful optical and near-IR detectors in the world to directly image exoplanets.

Ajit Kumar Mehta

Postdoctoral Researcher

Broida 2231
I work in various aspects of gravitational-wave (GW) astrophysics such as gravitational waveform modeling, strong and microlensing of GWs, tests of general relativity using GWs, compact binary coalescence (CBC) search algorithms, CBC parameter estimation, CBC population analysis, etc.

Stephanie Mencos

Student Personnel

Broida 3019E
Kronos timekeeping manager and sign off. Manages all leaves in the Kronos timekeeping system. Hires student academic titles, including Readers and Learning Assistants. Also hires Student Assistants. Manages I-9 verification and work study awards.

Alexey Milekhin

Postdoctoral Researcher

I am interested in all possible approaches to the holographic correspondence between gravity and field theories.

Maxwell Millar-Blanchaer

Assistant Professor

Broida 2015A
Astronomical Instrumentation, Polarimetry, High-Contrast Imaging of Exoplanets & Circumstellar Disks

Majid Mohammed

Graduate Student

Alissa Monte

Postdoctoral Researcher

Broida 5133
Direct detection of dark matter, veto systems for background mitigation, alpha radiation studies, hydrogen-doping LXe.

Taylor Morrison

Graduate Student

Broida 4215
Developing coherent, strongly interacting spin ensembles near solid-state interfaces for applications in quantum simulation and metrology

Adele Myers

Graduate Student

Harold Frank Hall
Adele uses differential geometry to develop new methods for analyzing biological shapes such as cell outlines and brain surfaces.

Nayan Myerson-Jain

Graduate Student

Broida 6304

I'm interested in a variety of topics in theoretical condensed matter physics such as quantum critical points, non-Fermi liquids, topolog

Abhay Nayak

Postdoctoral Researcher

Broida 1015
I am working on developing on-chip THz time-domain spectroscopy of two-dimensional materials to study strongly correlated physics.

Chetan Nayak

Director of Microsoft Station Q

Elings 2241

Mara Niesyt

Graduate Student

I am interested in soft matter experimental physics and in physics education. In particular, I seek to connect underserved students with tangible hands-on physics through conducting high-level experiments with a focus on communicating the physics behind these experiments to marginalized groups.

Eber Nolasco-Martinez

Graduate Student

Brunel Odegard

Graduate Student

Hyunseok Oh

Graduate Student

Broida 1219
Optomechanics and Spin-Phonon Coupling in Diamond Optomechanical Crystals (OMC)

S. Peng Oh


Broida 2015-J
Galaxy formation and evolution; physics of diffuse plasmas; cosmic rays; turbulence; circumgalactic medium, galaxy clusters, IGM.

Missy Olson

Academic Affairs Program Assistant

BRDA 3019
Coordinates and provides analytical and administrative support to a range of activities pertaining to academic personnel and administrative operations.

Tara Owens

Financial Manager

Broida 3417 until Aug. 11 then Broida 3019D

Carl Padgett

Graduate Student

I study strain-mediated interactions between color center spins and mechanical resonators in diamond.

Jared Pagett

Graduate Student

Broida 2509
Jared works with David Weld, studying the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates of Strontium in optical lattices.

Skyler Palatnick

Graduate Student

I design and fabricate metasurfaces for direct imaging systems. I also search for variability in exoplanetary signals.

Mathilde Papillon

Graduate Student

I work on revealing the topological and geometric signatures of human movement using deep learning.

Taka Park

Graduate Student

Toshi Parmar

Graduate Student

Broida 6304
Studying Rheology of soft biological active matter, like Epithelial tissues.

Shreyas Parthasarathy

Graduate Student

Broida 4326
Engineering interactions and decoherence in "hybrid" quantum systems

Rushikesh Patil

Graduate Student

I am interested in understanding emergent phenomenon arising in systems with large number of interacting particles.

David Patterson

Assistant Professor

Extending the tools of atomic, molecular, and optical physics to prepare polyatomic molecules in single quantum states for the first time. Research interests include the development of quantum information systems, high precision spectroscopy, parity violation in molecular spectra, and single molecule chemical and chiral analysis. The group also develops novel spectroscopy methods to realize ultraprecise chemical analysis of diverse systems.

Zeyun Peng

Graduate Student Researcher

Broida 1302
Our current project is studying molecular ions co-trapped and cooled with sympathetic cooling and buffer gas cooling techniques.

Zixuan Peng

Graduate Student Researcher

Broida 2209
Zixuan is interested in the interface between theoretical and observational work in galaxy formation and evolution. His current research focuses on the dynamics of galactic winds and the chemical evolution of Extreme-Emission-Line Galaxies, which are local analogs of high-redshift galaxies during the Epoch of Reionization.

Philip Pincus

Professor Emeritus

MRL 3014
My research concerns the theory of Soft Condensed Matter systems. Much of our current activities relate to aqueous electrolytes.

Paula Popescu

Academic Coordinator

Broida 3409

Brad Price

Graduate Student

Broida 1357
I do electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) on a broad spectrum of samples -- from light-activated proteins to correlated magnets -- and work on EPR instrument design and implementation when not running experiments.

Pratik Rath

Postdoctoral Researcher

Roy Ready


Physical Sciences South Rm 1702
I study fundamental symmetry violation and instrumentation for measurements of atomic and molecular spin precession.

Evgeny Redekop

Graduate Student

Broida 1322
SQUID-on-tip technique for probing local properties of quantum materials

Cian Reeves

Graduate Student

Broida 6234
Cian's research is focused on simulations of condensed matter systems. With a focus on applications of condensed matter systems to quantum information science

Grant Remmen

UCSB Fundamental Physics Fellow
KITP Postdoctoral Scholar

Kohn 2407
Quantum field theory, particle physics, general relativity, string theory, and cosmology, with a focus on constraining new laws of physics

Francesc Roig

Senior Lecturer Emeritus

Broida 1409

Isabel Ruffin

Graduate Student

Broida 4509
Advisor: Zvonimir Dogic

Nicholas Rupert

Development Technician

Lubin Lab
Works with Dr. Lubin's group and manages the Greenland program.

Cyrus Safinya

Distinguished Professor

2204 MRL

Cyrus R. Safinya is a Distinguished Professor of Materials at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Omar A. Saleh


BioE 3006
Experimental studies of single biomolecules and self-assembled biomolecular systems

Lincoln Satterthwaite

Research and Development Engineer
Student Machine Shop Manager

Physical Sciences Building South 1707


I teach students how to use machine tools, and help researchers design and manufacture their ideas.

Raymond Sawyer

Professor Emeritus
Research Professor

Kohn 1203

Douglas Scalapino

Professor Emeritus
Research Professor

Broida 6238

Jonathan Schiff

Graduate Student

My research focuses on the inhomogeneous recombination and its implications for the Hubble tension.

Ryan Schmitz

Graduate Student

Francesco Setti

Doctoral Student

Higgs Boson pair production in diphoton and di-tau final states

Sally Shaw

Postdoctoral Researcher

Broida 5133
Direct detection of dark matter, data analysis, veto detectors, neutron production, simulation and detection

Chung Shen

Director of PCS

Bldg 937, Rm 1004
Responsible for the management of Physics Computing Services including networking, installation, troubleshooting and user support. Manages the Voice over IP system.

Mark Sherwin


Broida 4111
Terahertz quantum condensed matter, protein and device physics. Strongly-driven charges and spins in solids.

Seungwoo Shin

Postdoctoral Scholar

Broida 4417


Dr. Seungwoo Shin is a postdoctoral scholar at the Department of Physics.

Boris Shraiman

KITP Permanent Member

Kohn 2317

Prasanna Kumar Siddireddy

Postdoctoral Researcher

Trying to unravel the properties of the Higgs boson and developing firmware for FPGAs to perform complex computational tasks and implementing various communication protocols

Kathlynn Simotas

Graduate Student

Computational Astrophysics/Cosmology, Digital Signal Processing for Astrophysics and Audio/Music applications, Acoustics

Divyoj Singh

Graduate Student

Broida 6228

I am generally interested in the area of Biological Physics. I am currently working with Prof. Cristina Marchetti and Prof.

Benjamin Snyder

Graduate Student

Cosmology, Circumgalactic Medium

Antonin Sojka


My work focuses on development a broadband high field electron spin resonance spectrometer powered by free electron laser.

Mark Srednicki

Professor Emeritus

6221 Broida Hall
Many-body quantum chaos and thermalization.

Prashant Srinivasan

Project Scientist

Broida 1207
My work primarily involves developing high brightness laser sources by Coherent Beam Combination. I develop Yb-doped fiber lasers and amplifiers, photonic systems, Analog and Digital (FPGA) control systems and free space optical systems for Directed Energy Laser Phased Arrays. Applications include deep-space exploration enabled by photon propulsion, wireless power delivery to space craft and rovers to enable space science missions.

Daniel Stack

Building Manager

Broida 1311
Responsible for the management of all facilities associated with the Physics department as well as laboratory safety. Serves as liaison to Physical Facilities and Environmental Health & Safety. Oversees department Purchasing, Receiving and Storeroom.

Elizabeth Strait

Systems and Network Administrator

Bldg 937, Rm 1002
As a member of Physics Computing Services, provides end-user support for workstations, networks and servers.

David Stuart

Department Chair

Broida 3001

Robert Sugar

Professor Emeritus
Research Professor

Lunan Sun

Postdoctoral Scholar

Broida 2015L
I am currently working on the simulation and data analysis of AGN accretion disk, mainly focus on the radiation transport aspect.

Amir Tajdini

Postdoctoral Researcher

Jeremy Tanlimco

Graduate Student Researcher

Broida 2513
My team manipulates ultracold lithium to perform quantum simulation of condensed matter phenomena.

Nate Tavakolian

Graduate Student

Trailer 939, Room 1009

I am interested in the self-organization and non-equilibrium dynamics exhibited by active/living matter.

Shimasaki Toshihiko

Postdoctoral Researcher

Dante Totani

Postdoctoral Researcher

Broida 5316
Photodetector calibration, calometric energy reconstruction using scintillation light, and data analysis.

Makayla Trask

Graduate Student Researcher

Working on the LZ Dark Matter Experiment with PI Hugh Lippincott.

Shilo Tucker

Academic Business Officer

Broida 3019-A
Oversees departmental operations, providing support and direction to staff and faculty in regard to budget, student and academic affairs, human resources, facilities, procurement, IT, departmental and campus procedures.

Anne-Marie Turley

Financial Analyst

3019 Broida Hall
Payroll for undergraduate student assistants, staff and limited staff appointments, job description facilitation, faculty summer salary.

Tamas Vami

Postdoctoral Scholar

Broida 5105
Dr. Vami is interested in Exotic Beyond Standard Model processes at the LHC and light dark matter searches at SLAC

Wim van Dam


HFH 2151

Connor Vancil

Graduate Student

Broida 2233
Characterizing exoplanet atmospheres with spectroscopic variability measurements.

Nohely Vargas

Undergraduate Advisor

Broida 3019C

Serves as Undergraduate Advisor, working with students and faculty in all aspects of undergraduate education.

Sagar Vijay

Assistant Professor

Broida 6229

Sagar Vijay graduated from Princeton University with a bachelor's degree in physics in 2013, and received his Ph.D.

I am interested in the development of nanophotonic devices for applications in quantum computing and communications.

Will Wang

Graduate Student

I am interested in condensed matter physics, with a focus on van der Waals materials.

Zihang Wang

Graduate Student

Trailer 939, Room 1011
Soft Matter Theory

David Weld


Broida 4119
Uses the tools of experimental atomic physics to probe the many-body quantum mechanics of condensed matter. Research interests of the Weld group include non-equilibrium quantum dynamics, alkaline earth quantum gases, quasiperiodic quantum systems, quantum emulation of ultrafast phenomena, emergent Floquet phases of matter, new cooling techniques, and quantum metrology.

Brianna White

Purchasing Coordinator

1311 Boida Hall
Responsible for the day to day operations of the Physics Purchasing Unit, working closely with Sabrena Martin, Materials Manager, and Daniel Stack, Building Manager.

Pierre Wiltzius

Dean of Mathematical, Life and Physical Sciences

Cheadle 2217
Research interests include soft condensed matter and complex fluids, e.g., polymers, colloids, liquid crystals, and his current research is focused on developing new fabrication techniques for photonic crystals including colloidal self-assembly and multi-beam interference lithography. He was also involved in plastic transistors on flexible substrates for various applications, including electronic paper. Prof. Wiltzius is not taking on new graduate students, undergrads or postdocs at this time.

Sunny Wong

Graduate Student

Qile Wu

Assistant Project Scientist

Institute for Terahertz Science and Technology
Modern electronic devices, whose development relies on our understanding of the properties of solid-state materials, have made profound impact on our society in various aspects including communication, health care, industry, and security. Emerging new devices such as quantum computers are expected to further revolutionize all aspects of our world from defense to financial trading. Two of the three leading platforms for building a quantum computer are based on solid-state materials. Nowadays, millions of new solid-state materials can be discovered by using modern computer technologies. Developing methods for characterizing these new materials is an essential step towards fabrication of new devices.

Kathryn Wynn

Graduate Student

I'm interested in galaxy formation and evolution, specifically probing these fields through observations of dwarf galaxies.

Richen Xiong

Graduate Student

Richen utilizes optical spectroscopies to study the strong correlated phenomena in TMD moiré superlattice. Examples including bosonic Mott insulator, valley pseudo-spin order, etc.

Cenke Xu


Broida 6137
We study the intriguing physics that can emerge in quantum condensed matter systems, including topological effect, gauge field, ‘t Hooft anomaly, higher-form symmetries, duality, etc.

Stephen Yan

Graduate Student

Broida 6114
Stephen is interested in understanding the nature of phases which may be stabilized or destabilized in dynamical quantum systems.

Andrea Young


Broida 4113
Quantum electronics in two dimensional systems

Anthony Zee


Kohn 2115

Applications of Quantum Field Theory in Physics and Biophysics

Zhengkang Zhang

Postdoctoral Researcher

Broida 6125
Phenomenology beyond the Standard Model, effective field theories, dark matter.

Nikki Zivkov

Graduate Student

Broida 2225

Processing data from Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors to identify exoplanets.