Personnel & Payroll

Personnel and payroll are divided into 3 categories: academic personnel (faculty and researchers), students, and staff personnel. Each category is managed by a separate staff member, as described below.

Academic Personnel

Recruitment, appointment, and advancement (merit and promotion) for both faculty appointments (including affiliated, adjunct, and emeriti) as well as visiting researcher titles.

Please contact JD Dill for these requests. 

Postdocs, Researchers, and Project Scientists

Recruitment, appointment and advancement (merit and promotion) and those requiring visas, determining appropriate job classification.

Please contact Ericka James. 

Payroll matters for all of the above Academic hires, along with Graduate Students, Academic Coordinators and Lecturers 

Determining appropriate job classification, payroll issues and benefits questions, payroll projections.

Please contact Elizabeth Lucatero.

Student Personnel

KRONOs timekeeping manager and sign off.  Manages all leaves in the KRONOS timekeeping system. Hires student academic titles, including Readers, Associates and TAs.

Please contact Stephanie Mencos for these requests.

Staff Personnel

Payroll for undergraduate student assistants, staff and limited staff appointments, job description facilitation, faculty summer salary.

Please contact Anne Turley for these requests.


Payroll/Personnel Analyst
Financial Analyst
Academic HR Analyst
Academic and Student Affairs Manager
Student Personnel
